Rendang Gadih Serundeng Kentang Pedas Manis 200 gr


5,49 €
1kg = 27,45 €
Termasuk PPN

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MHD 06.09.2023

Experience the allure of Indonesian culinary with our Sweet Potato Sticks and Serundeng snack
Crafted to perfection, this snack celebrates the harmonious blend of sweet potato's natural sweetness and the bold, savory notes of Serundeng – a cherished Indonesian mixture of toasted coconut and aromatic spices. Immerse yourself in the cultural richness of Indonesia through this one-of-a-kind snacking sensation.


Kentang kacang kecap Informasi alergen: Mengandung kacang tanah, kedelai.

Nilai gizi

Energi: 600 kkal Lemak: 45 g lemak jenuh: 0 g Karbohidrat: 37 g Gula: 7 g Protein: 12 g Garam: 450 mg

Bahasa Indonesia Asli.

Pengiriman Cepat.

Layanan ramah.

Jaminan kualitas.